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Walking Hand in Hand with God: My Journey of Trust and Obedience

The song "My Way," written by Paul Anka and made famous by the legendary singer Frank Sinatra, is very moving. Many of us sang along with Frank Sinatra and may have even held the song's message as a personal guiding principle. However, doing things "my way" is counterintuitive to trusting and obeying God's will for our lives.


Untruths neatly clothed in beautiful melodies are a recipe for disaster. Like many who have jumped off the bandwagon that shouts, "Do it your way," I have discovered the quiet strength in obeying God entirely and quickly, as John 8:31 encourages. In this post I share a bit of my journey, where trust and obedience have become my compass, leading me to unexpected places and profound realizations.


Discovering the Beauty of Goodness through Trusting in God


Trusting and obeying God are like two old friends who stick together. Trust serves as the glue that holds everything in place. When I have faith that God has my back and that His ways are good, it becomes easier for me to follow His lead, even when, in the back of my mind, it doesn't quite make sense.


Early in my entrepreneurial journey, I sought divine guidance for business strategies, hoping for some revolutionary advice. However, instead of offering me business advice, God prompted me to love my husband more. This seemed strange, considering my business-related questions.


My strategies weren't yielding significant results. Thus, I finally heeded God's guidance. Not only did my marriage improve, but I also discovered some unhealthy business habits that I had subconsciously inherited from my upbringing. Being obedient to God's instructions became a path to a better way of doing things.

How Obedience Reflects Love


Obedience is not just about following rules. I believe it is a love language between us and God. If I refuse to obey, it's like telling Him that my own ideas are superior to His—imagine that! However, a simple but genuine indication of true love is placing our trust in God, even when His plans challenge our own. Our obedience serves as evidence of our genuine love for Him.


5 Helpful Steps Towards Trusting and Obedience to God


  1. Spend Quality Time in Prayer and Reflection: It's important to make prayer a consistent and intentional part of your daily routine. In addition to having a prayerful attitude throughout the day, set aside a specific time to talk to God and share your thoughts, concerns, and desires. During this time, take a moment to reflect and allow yourself to be still, listening for His guidance. By building a strong communication channel through prayer, you can establish a foundation of trust and obedience.
  2. Study and Meditate on Scripture: It is important to read the Bible regularly to understand God's character and principles. The Scripture provides a roadmap for living a life aligned with God's will. You can meditate on verses that emphasize trust and obedience, allowing the words to permeate your heart and mind. As you immerse yourself in God's Word, you will find clarity on how to navigate life's challenges.
  3. Seek Wise Counsel: Surround yourself with a community of believers who can provide harmonious guidance and accountability. Share your struggles and seek their perspectives on how to trust and obey God in specific situations. Having a supportive community fosters an environment where you can learn from one another and encourage each other on your spiritual journey.
  4. Actively Listen to God's Voice: To follow God's guidance in everyday life, it is essential to pause before making decisions, pay attention to your conscience, and be open to unexpected opportunities that align with God's principles. Actively seeking and heeding God's voice helps build a habit of obedience.
  5. Obey Small Prompts: Begin your journey towards obedience by committing to small acts in your daily life. This could be as simple as forgiving someone who has wronged you, showing kindness to a stranger, or choosing to speak words of encouragement. These small actions pave the way for larger obedience. When you choose to obey God in the little things, it builds trust and reinforces the belief that His ways lead to fulfillment and joy.


A Book Recommendation


I’m an avid reader and believe many gems are nestled within the pages of empowering books. An incredible gem I stumbled upon in my journey is "Growing Slow: Lessons on Un-Hurrying Your Heart from an Accidental Farm Girl" by Jennifer Dukes Lee. This book spoke to my heart, explaining why it's okay not to rush growth.


Just like crops take time to grow, so do we. Embracing a slower pace, as recommended by the Growing Slow book, transformed my life. It helped me grasp another divine instruction: slow down and let growth happen naturally. It's been instrumental in creating a life where I can love my husband well and run my business with excellence without burning out.


Friend, this journey of obeying God is not simply about following rules. Rather, it's about walking hand in hand with Him and trusting that His ways are better than ours.


As I share my stories and insights, I hope to inspire you to find the courage to trust and obey Him. Although it may not always be easy, the beauty that unfolds is worth every step. May we all find solace in the simple wisdom of trusting God completely and responding to His nudges, even when it feels a bit unconventional.


If this post resonates with you in any way, I’d love to hear from you. You can let me know how you’ve developed your relationship of trust and obedience with God. I'd love to celebrate your victories with you, no matter the size.


Until next time my friend, love God, obey Him quickly, and live your life in harmony! Oh, and be sure to check out the links below to access additional resources that will help you unapologetically and unashamedly live the life God created you for.


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