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Our PathWay Story

Our official business name is PATH...WAY but we simply call ourselves pathway. Our mission is to restore God's original intent for humanity. We envision all people, regardless of gender, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status working together in harmony to be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, govern, and reign over the rest of creation, not each other.

Livingstone and Carol Griffiths co-founded PATH...WAY in 2018. Carol works full-time at PATH...WAY as a Harmony Specialist, equipping individuals, groups, and organisations to be comfortable in their God-design, stay in their lane and fulfil God's unique purpose for the individual or unit.

We believe that when a person sees self through God's eyes, that person is compelled to reject limiting beliefs and unapologetically fulfil God's purpose. All of our products and services are designed to help individuals and organisations maintain inner harmony, improve interpersonal communication, and increase team cohesion, productivity and profitability. We sell books and offer group mentoring programs that guide people to reconnect with who God designed them to be.


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