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Introducing Carol G. Griffiths

Hi there! Let me introduce myself. I’m Carol G. Griffiths, a dynamic storyteller, who lives on a little picturesque island in The Bahamas with my husband, Livingstone.

I have this crazy idea that everyone should only do what God requires them to do, nothing more, nothing less. If you’re like me, you’ve probably heard all your life what you should and shouldn’t do. I often felt boxed in and frustrated because what people told me I must do and couldn’t do just didn’t sit right in my soul.


Thankfully, God began revealing to me that what “they” were telling me was necessary to please Him, really wasn’t necessary. He took me on a journey of getting to know Him intimately. And can I tell you, when the deep, endless love of God arrested my soul, it freed me to be my authentic self. The Carol God always intended me to be.

I’m a woman of faith, and my greatest joy comes from my personal relationship with God, traveling with my husband, writing, deep from my belly laughter, beachside serenity, adult coloring books, and meaningful conversations with friends. My firm identity as a devoted follower of Jesus Christ shapes my roles as a wife, writer, counselor, and educator. My life’s purpose is simply to guide people to a deeper connection with God and a greater understanding of self to foster unity within self and with other people.

Harmony in Diversity

As a Harmony Specialist at PATH...WAY (pronounced pathway), a business my husband and I operate, I work seamlessly with individuals, particularly women, sculpting harmony in the areas of faith, fitness, family, friendships, and finances.

This Kingdom woman is dedicated to setting others free for harmonious living. Along my life journey, I’ve earned professional credentials that include a Certified Public Accountant's license, a Diploma in Education, and a Master's Degree in Mental Health Counselling.

Mentoring and Speaking

My group mentoring sessions blend Biblical truths and mental health tools, empowering clients to renew their minds, heal their hearts, and find equilibrium in their lives. I also weave my life-changing messages into dynamic presentations for businesses, community groups, and churches.

Writing to Inspire

My distinct approach to writing harnesses my ability to be transparent in my storytelling while intertwining truth and humour. Through my books, I craft narratives that ignite inspiration and urge readers to live unabashedly in their unique design. My published literary repertoire spans devotionals and Bible study guides—all personal growth books, each with a unique purpose for readers to:

  • Cultivate more God-awareness and self-awareness.
  • Align with God’s divine plan for their lives.
  • Fulfill their unique life's purpose.
  • Enhance their relationships.
  • Discover joy and meaning in their work.

My books include REST: 52 Love Notes from God for the Weary Soul, Free to Be Me: 3 Keys to Living Loved and Free, and God Loves Me (Journal). The messages I share in my books as well as through my coaching and speaking services resonate profoundly with my readers and clients. They serve as catalysts for their journeys of love, freedom, and unparalleled fulfillment.

I invite you to embark on an enriching adventure guided by me, a Kingdom woman, storyteller, and Harmony Specialist, committed to setting souls free. Join me for a fascinating journey of growth, empowerment, and harmony. Immerse yourself in these compelling writings; explore the depths of my transformative messages; and consider the profound impact mentoring can have on your life.

The time is now, and the path awaits you.


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